8:15 am – 8:30 am Pre-Registration
8:30 am – 8:45 am HB 1002 (Transportation funding bill) Briefing
Bart Giesler will discuss HB 1002 and the public hearing that starts at 9:00 at the Statehouse. After the briefing on the bill, attendees will be encouraged to attend the hearing.
8:45 am – 10:30 am Attend Public Hearing on HB 1002 at Statehouse
10:30 am – 10:45 am Registration for those who did not attend HB 1002 Hearing
10:45 am Welcome – President Doug Joest
10:45 am – 11:00 am Economic Impact Study Update
Bryce Carpenter, Conexus, will give an update and answer questions regarding the Economic Impact Study that Conexus, INDOT and Aviation Indiana are conducting.
11:00 am – 11:15 am INDOT update
Marty Blake, INDOT Office of Aviation, will give an update on their activities.
11:15 am – 11:30 am Legislative update
Robert Duncan, Norris Choplin Schroeder, will discuss all the bills that Aviation Indiana is tracking this session.
11:30 am – 11: 45 am FAA Update
Susan Mowery-Schalk, Director, Airports Division FAA Great Lakes Region, will give an update on FAA initiatives.
11:45 am – 1:45 pm Lunch
Invite your legislator – if not – they will probably not attend!
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm General Aviation Roundtable Discussion –
Myra Dunn Abbott, Crawfordsville BOAC, Tom Burr, Arrow Energy, and Sean White, Eagle Creek Aviation will discuss experiences and trends in smaller GA airports and FBO operations. How can airports work together to maintain adequate FBO services?
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Board/Membership meeting