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2014 Scholarship Application is Now Available

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The AAI Scholarship Fund, Inc. requests nominees for multiple scholarships covering flight, maintenance, and aviation administration:

The eligibility requirements are as follows:

* graduate of an Indiana high school,
* enrolled in a two or four year aviation program at an Indiana College or University,
* achieving average or better grades,
* actively participating in extracurricular activities or work experience, and
* have an unmet financial need (this may be certified by a faculty member).

The nominee may not be, nor be related to, a member of the Aviation Association of Indiana (AAI) or anyone serving on the Board of AAI Scholarship Fund, Inc.

Each institution/school should provide three nominees for each of the scholarships. The nominations should include the attached scholarship application and a recommendation from an appropriate faculty member.

The applications should be received by MAY 23, 2014. The decision of the scholarship selection committee will be made at the July meeting of the Aviation Association of Indiana. A formal presentation of the awards will be made at the Aviation Association of Indiana Annual Conference Awards Banquet on Thursday, October 16, 2014, at the Belterra Casino Resort in Florence, Indiana .

All applications should be emailed as an attachment to: aaisfi@yahoo.com or mailed to Aviation Association of Indiana Scholarship, 135 N Pennsylvania Street, Suite 1175 , Indianapolis , IN 46204. The attached word file can be filled in electronically and either printed out and sent or emailed to the above addresses. If you need additional space, feel free to attach a separate document.

If you have any questions, feel to direct them to: aaisfi@yahoo.com or by calling Marty Blake at (317) 232-1487.